! { dg-do run } ! ! PR fortran/19107 ! -fwhole-file flag added for PR fortran/44945 ! ! This test the fix of PR19107, where character array actual ! arguments in derived type constructors caused an ICE. ! It also checks that the scalar counterparts are OK. ! Contributed by Paul Thomas pault@gcc.gnu.org ! MODULE global TYPE :: dt CHARACTER(4) a CHARACTER(4) b(2) END TYPE TYPE (dt), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: c END MODULE global program char_array_structure_constructor USE global call alloc (2) if ((any (c%a /= "wxyz")) .OR. & (any (c%b(1) /= "abcd")) .OR. & (any (c%b(2) /= "efgh"))) STOP 1 contains SUBROUTINE alloc (n) USE global ALLOCATE (c(n), STAT=IALLOC_FLAG) DO i = 1,n c (i) = dt ("wxyz",(/"abcd","efgh"/)) ENDDO end subroutine alloc END program char_array_structure_constructor