! { dg-do compile } module binding_label_tests_6 use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding integer(c_int), bind(c, name='my_int') :: my_f90_int_1 ! { dg-error "Variable 'my_f90_int_2' from module 'binding_label_tests_6' with binding label 'my_int' at .1. uses the same global identifier as entity at .2. from module 'binding_label_tests_6'" } integer(c_int), bind(c, name='my_int') :: my_f90_int_2 ! { dg-error "Variable 'my_f90_int_2' from module 'binding_label_tests_6' with binding label 'my_int' at .1. uses the same global identifier as entity at .2. from module 'binding_label_tests_6'" } end module binding_label_tests_6