! { dg-do compile } ! { dg-options "-Wno-c-binding-type" } ! { dg-require-visibility "" } ! ! That's a copy of "bind_c_usage_8.f03", "bind_c_dts_4.f03", ! "bind_c_implicit_vars.f03" and "c_kind_tests_2.f03" ! to check that with -Wno-c-binding-type no warning is printed. ! MODULE ISO_C_UTILITIES USE ISO_C_BINDING implicit none CHARACTER(C_CHAR), DIMENSION(1), SAVE, TARGET, PRIVATE :: dummy_string="?" CONTAINS FUNCTION C_F_STRING(CPTR) RESULT(FPTR) use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding TYPE(C_PTR), INTENT(IN) :: CPTR ! The C address CHARACTER(KIND=C_CHAR), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: FPTR INTERFACE FUNCTION strlen(string) RESULT(len) BIND(C,NAME="strlen") USE ISO_C_BINDING TYPE(C_PTR), VALUE :: string ! A C pointer END FUNCTION END INTERFACE CALL C_F_POINTER(FPTR=FPTR, CPTR=CPTR, SHAPE=[strlen(CPTR)]) END FUNCTION END MODULE ISO_C_UTILITIES module test use iso_c_binding, only: c_int type, bind(c) :: foo integer :: p end type type(foo), bind(c) :: cp end module test module bind_c_implicit_vars bind(c) :: j contains subroutine sub0(i) bind(c) i = 0 end subroutine sub0 end module bind_c_implicit_vars module c_kind_tests_2 use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding integer, parameter :: myF = c_float real(myF), bind(c) :: myCFloat integer(myF), bind(c) :: myCInt ! { dg-warning "is for type REAL" } integer(c_double), bind(c) :: myCInt2 ! { dg-warning "is for type REAL" } integer, parameter :: myI = c_int real(myI) :: myReal ! { dg-warning "is for type INTEGER" } real(myI), bind(c) :: myCFloat2 ! { dg-warning "is for type INTEGER" } real(4), bind(c) :: myFloat end module c_kind_tests_2