! { dg-do run } ! Tests the fix for PR31219, in which the character length of ! the functions in the array constructor was not being obtained ! correctly and this caused an ICE. ! ! Contributed by Joost VandeVondele ! INTEGER :: J CHARACTER(LEN = 8) :: str J = 3 write (str,'(2A4)') (/( F(I, J), I = 1, 2)/) IF (str .NE. " ODD EVE") STOP 1 ! Comment #1 from F-X Coudert (noted by T. Burnus) that ! actually exercises a different part of the bug. call gee( (/g (3)/) ) CONTAINS FUNCTION F (K,J) RESULT(I) INTEGER :: K, J CHARACTER(LEN = J) :: I IF (MODULO (K, 2) .EQ. 0) THEN I = "EVEN" ELSE I = "ODD" ENDIF END FUNCTION function g(k) result(i) integer :: k character(len = k) :: i i = '1234' end function subroutine gee(a) character(*),dimension(1) :: a if(len (a) /= 3) STOP 2 if(a(1) /= '123') STOP 3 end subroutine gee END