! Like array_constructor_6.f90, but check iterators with non-default stride, ! including combinations which lead to zero-length vectors. ! { dg-do run } ! { dg-options "-Wzerotrip" } program main implicit none call build (77) contains subroutine build (order) integer :: order, i, j call test (1, 11, 3, (/ (i, i = 1, 11, 3) /)) call test (3, 20, 2, (/ (i, i = 3, 20, 2) /)) call test (4, 0, 11, (/ (i, i = 4, 0, 11) /)) ! { dg-warning "will be executed zero times" } call test (110, 10, -3, (/ (i, i = 110, 10, -3) /)) call test (200, 20, -12, (/ (i, i = 200, 20, -12) /)) call test (29, 30, -6, (/ (i, i = 29, 30, -6) /)) ! { dg-warning "will be executed zero times" } call test (1, order, 3, (/ (i, i = 1, order, 3) /)) call test (order, 1, -3, (/ (i, i = order, 1, -3) /)) ! Triggers compile-time iterator calculations in trans-array.c call test (1, 1000, 2, (/ (i, i = 1, 1000, 2), (i, i = order, 0, 1) /)) call test (1, 0, 3, (/ (i, i = 1, 0, 3), (i, i = order, 0, 1) /)) ! { dg-warning "will be executed zero times" } call test (1, 2000, -5, (/ (i, i = 1, 2000, -5), (i, i = order, 0, 1) /)) ! { dg-warning "will be executed zero times" } call test (3000, 99, 4, (/ (i, i = 3000, 99, 4), (i, i = order, 0, 1) /)) ! { dg-warning "will be executed zero times" } call test (400, 77, -39, (/ (i, i = 400, 77, -39), (i, i = order, 0, 1) /)) do j = -10, 10 call test (order + j, order, 5, (/ (i, i = order + j, order, 5) /)) call test (order + j, order, -5, (/ (i, i = order + j, order, -5) /)) end do end subroutine build subroutine test (from, to, step, values) integer, dimension (:) :: values integer :: from, to, step, last, i last = 0 do i = from, to, step last = last + 1 if (values (last) .ne. i) STOP 1 end do if (size (values, dim = 1) .ne. last) STOP 2 end subroutine test end program main