! { dg-do run } ! { dg-require-visibility "" } ! Test the fix for PR61459 and PR58883. ! ! Contributed by John Wingate ! and Tao Song ! module a implicit none private public :: f_segfault, f_segfault_plus, f_workaround integer, dimension(2,2) :: b = reshape([1,-1,1,1],[2,2]) contains function f_segfault(x) real, dimension(:), allocatable :: f_segfault real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: x allocate(f_segfault(2)) f_segfault = matmul(b,x) end function f_segfault ! Sefaulted without the ALLOCATE as well. function f_segfault_plus(x) real, dimension(:), allocatable :: f_segfault_plus real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: x f_segfault_plus = matmul(b,x) end function f_segfault_plus function f_workaround(x) real, dimension(:), allocatable :: f_workaround real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: x real, dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp allocate(f_workaround(2),tmp(2)) tmp = matmul(b,x) f_workaround = tmp end function f_workaround end module a program main use a implicit none real, dimension(2) :: x = 1.0, y ! PR61459 y = f_workaround (x) if (any (f_segfault (x) .ne. y)) STOP 1 if (any (f_segfault_plus (x) .ne. y)) STOP 2 ! PR58883 if (any (foo () .ne. reshape([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[2,4]))) STOP 3 contains function foo() integer, allocatable :: foo(:,:) integer, allocatable :: temp(:) temp = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] foo = reshape(temp,[2,4]) end function end program main