! { dg-do run } ! Test constructors of nested derived types with allocatable components(PR 20541). ! ! Contributed by Erik Edelmann ! and Paul Thomas ! type :: thytype integer(4), allocatable :: h(:) end type thytype type :: mytype type(thytype), allocatable :: q(:) end type mytype type (mytype) :: x type (thytype) :: w(2) integer :: y(2) =(/1,2/) w = (/thytype(y), thytype (2*y)/) x = mytype (w) if (any ((/((x%q(j)%h(i),j=1,2),i=1,2)/) .ne. (/1,2,2,4/))) STOP 1 x = mytype ((/thytype(3*y), thytype (4*y)/)) if (any ((/((x%q(j)%h(i),j=1,2),i=1,2)/) .ne. (/3,4,6,8/))) STOP 2 end