! { dg-do compile } ! { dg-options "-fdump-tree-original" } ! ! Test the fix for PR66082. The original problem was with the first ! call foo_1d. ! ! Reported by Damian Rouson ! type foo_t real, allocatable :: bigarr end type block type(foo_t) :: foo allocate(foo%bigarr) call foo_1d (1,[foo]) ! wasy lost call foo_1d (1,bar_1d()) ! Check that this is OK end block contains subroutine foo_1d (n,foo) integer n type(foo_t) :: foo(n) end subroutine function bar_1d () result (array) type(foo_t) :: array(1) allocate (array(1)%bigarr) end function end ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "builtin_malloc" 3 "original" } } ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "builtin_free" 3 "original" } } ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "while \\(1\\)" 4 "original" } }