! { dg-do run } ! Tests the fic for PR44582, where gfortran was found to ! produce an incorrect result when the result of a function ! was aliased by a host or use associated variable, to which ! the function is assigned. In these cases a temporary is ! required in the function assignments. The check has to be ! rather restrictive. Whilst the cases marked below might ! not need temporaries, the TODOs are going to be tough. ! ! Reported by Yin Ma and ! elaborated by Tobias Burnus ! module foo INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ONE = 1 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: TEN = 10 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: FIVE = TEN/2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: TWO = 2 integer :: foo_a(ONE) integer :: check(ONE) = TEN LOGICAL :: abort_flag = .false. contains function foo_f() integer :: foo_f(ONE) foo_f = -FIVE foo_f = foo_a - foo_f end function foo_f subroutine bar foo_a = FIVE ! This aliases 'foo_a' by host association. foo_a = foo_f () if (any (foo_a .ne. check)) call myabort (0) end subroutine bar subroutine myabort(fl) integer :: fl print *, fl abort_flag = .true. end subroutine myabort end module foo function h_ext() use foo integer :: h_ext(ONE) h_ext = -FIVE h_ext = FIVE - h_ext end function h_ext function i_ext() result (h) use foo integer :: h(ONE) h = -FIVE h = FIVE - h end function i_ext subroutine tobias use foo integer :: a(ONE) a = FIVE call sub1(a) if (any (a .ne. check)) call myabort (1) contains subroutine sub1(x) integer :: x(ONE) ! 'x' is aliased by host association in 'f'. x = f() end subroutine sub1 function f() integer :: f(ONE) f = ONE f = a + FIVE end function f end subroutine tobias program test use foo implicit none common /foo_bar/ c integer :: a(ONE), b(ONE), c(ONE), d(ONE) interface function h_ext() use foo integer :: h_ext(ONE) end function h_ext end interface interface function i_ext() result (h) use foo integer :: h(ONE) end function i_ext end interface a = FIVE ! This aliases 'a' by host association a = f() if (any (a .ne. check)) call myabort (2) a = FIVE if (any (f() .ne. check)) call myabort (3) call bar foo_a = FIVE ! This aliases 'foo_a' by host association. foo_a = g () if (any (foo_a .ne. check)) call myabort (4) a = FIVE a = h() ! TODO: Needs no temporary if (any (a .ne. check)) call myabort (5) a = FIVE a = i() ! TODO: Needs no temporary if (any (a .ne. check)) call myabort (6) a = FIVE a = h_ext() ! Needs no temporary - was OK if (any (a .ne. check)) call myabort (15) a = FIVE a = i_ext() ! Needs no temporary - was OK if (any (a .ne. check)) call myabort (16) c = FIVE ! This aliases 'c' through the common block. c = j() if (any (c .ne. check)) call myabort (7) call aaa call tobias if (abort_flag) STOP 1 contains function f() integer :: f(ONE) f = -FIVE f = a - f end function f function g() integer :: g(ONE) g = -FIVE g = foo_a - g end function g function h() integer :: h(ONE) h = -FIVE h = FIVE - h end function h function i() result (h) integer :: h(ONE) h = -FIVE h = FIVE - h end function i function j() common /foo_bar/ cc integer :: j(ONE), cc(ONE) j = -FIVE j = cc - j end function j subroutine aaa() d = TEN - TWO ! This aliases 'd' through 'get_d'. d = bbb() if (any (d .ne. check)) call myabort (8) end subroutine aaa function bbb() integer :: bbb(ONE) bbb = TWO bbb = bbb + get_d() end function bbb function get_d() integer :: get_d(ONE) get_d = d end function get_d end program test