! { dg-do run } ! Tests the fix for PR31211, in which the value of the result for ! cp_get_default_logger was stored as a temporary, rather than the ! pointer itself. This caused a segfault when the result was ! nullified. ! ! Contributed by Joost VandeVondele ! TYPE cp_logger_type INTEGER :: a END TYPE cp_logger_type if (cp_logger_log(cp_get_default_logger (0))) STOP 1 if (.not. cp_logger_log(cp_get_default_logger (42))) STOP 2 CONTAINS logical function cp_logger_log(logger) TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER ::logger if (associated (logger)) then cp_logger_log = (logger%a .eq. 42) else cp_logger_log = .false. end if END function FUNCTION cp_get_default_logger(v) RESULT(res) TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER ::res integer :: v if (v .eq. 0) then NULLIFY(RES) else allocate(RES) res%a = v end if END FUNCTION cp_get_default_logger END