! { dg-do run } ! Tests the fix for pr28167, in which character array constructors ! with an implied do loop would cause an ICE, when used as actual ! arguments. ! ! Based on the testscase by Harald Anlauf ! character(4), dimension(4) :: c1, c2 integer m m = 4 ! Test the original problem call foo ((/( 'abcd',i=1,m )/), c2) if (any(c2(:) .ne. (/'abcd','abcd', & 'abcd','abcd'/))) STOP 1 ! Now get a bit smarter call foo ((/"abcd", "efgh", "ijkl", "mnop"/), c1) ! worked previously call foo ((/(c1(i), i = m,1,-1)/), c2) ! was broken if (any(c2(4:1:-1) .ne. c1)) STOP 2 ! gfc_todo: Not Implemented: complex character array constructors call foo ((/(c1(i)(i/2+1:i/2+2), i = 1,4)/), c2) ! Ha! take that..! if (any (c2 .ne. (/"ab ","fg ","jk ","op "/))) STOP 3 ! Check functions in the constructor call foo ((/(achar(64+i)//achar(68+i)//achar(72+i)// & achar(76+i),i=1,4 )/), c1) ! was broken if (any (c1 .ne. (/"AEIM","BFJN","CGKO","DHLP"/))) STOP 4 contains subroutine foo (chr1, chr2) character(*), dimension(:) :: chr1, chr2 chr2 = chr1 end subroutine foo end