/* Template file for binary operator validation. This file is meant to be included by the relevant test files, which have to define the intrinsic family to test. If a given intrinsic supports variants which are not supported by all the other binary operators, these can be tested by providing a definition for EXTRA_TESTS. */ #include #include "arm-neon-ref.h" #include "compute-ref-data.h" #define FNNAME1(NAME) exec_ ## NAME #define FNNAME(NAME) FNNAME1(NAME) void FNNAME (INSN_NAME) (void) { /* Basic test: y=OP(x1,x2), then store the result. */ #define TEST_BINARY_OP1(INSN, Q, T1, T2, W, N) \ VECT_VAR(vector_res, T1, W, N) = \ INSN##Q##_##T2##W(VECT_VAR(vector, T1, W, N), \ VECT_VAR(vector2, T1, W, N)); \ vst1##Q##_##T2##W(VECT_VAR(result, T1, W, N), VECT_VAR(vector_res, T1, W, N)) #define TEST_BINARY_OP(INSN, Q, T1, T2, W, N) \ TEST_BINARY_OP1(INSN, Q, T1, T2, W, N) \ DECL_VARIABLE_ALL_VARIANTS(vector); DECL_VARIABLE_ALL_VARIANTS(vector2); DECL_VARIABLE_ALL_VARIANTS(vector_res); clean_results (); /* Initialize input "vector" from "buffer". */ TEST_MACRO_ALL_VARIANTS_2_5(VLOAD, vector, buffer); /* Fill input vector2 with arbitrary values. */ VDUP(vector2, , int, s, 8, 8, 2); VDUP(vector2, , int, s, 16, 4, -4); VDUP(vector2, , int, s, 32, 2, 3); VDUP(vector2, , int, s, 64, 1, 100); VDUP(vector2, , uint, u, 8, 8, 20); VDUP(vector2, , uint, u, 16, 4, 30); VDUP(vector2, , uint, u, 32, 2, 40); VDUP(vector2, , uint, u, 64, 1, 2); VDUP(vector2, q, int, s, 8, 16, -10); VDUP(vector2, q, int, s, 16, 8, -20); VDUP(vector2, q, int, s, 32, 4, -30); VDUP(vector2, q, int, s, 64, 2, 24); VDUP(vector2, q, uint, u, 8, 16, 12); VDUP(vector2, q, uint, u, 16, 8, 3); VDUP(vector2, q, uint, u, 32, 4, 55); VDUP(vector2, q, uint, u, 64, 2, 3); /* Apply a binary operator named INSN_NAME. */ TEST_MACRO_ALL_VARIANTS_1_5(TEST_BINARY_OP, INSN_NAME); CHECK(TEST_MSG, int, 8, 8, PRIx8, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, int, 16, 4, PRIx16, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, int, 32, 2, PRIx32, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, int, 64, 1, PRIx64, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, uint, 8, 8, PRIx8, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, uint, 16, 4, PRIx16, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, uint, 32, 2, PRIx32, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, uint, 64, 1, PRIx64, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, int, 8, 16, PRIx8, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, int, 16, 8, PRIx16, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, int, 32, 4, PRIx32, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, int, 64, 2, PRIx64, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, uint, 8, 16, PRIx8, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, uint, 16, 8, PRIx16, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, uint, 32, 4, PRIx32, expected, ""); CHECK(TEST_MSG, uint, 64, 2, PRIx64, expected, ""); #ifdef EXTRA_TESTS EXTRA_TESTS(); #endif } int main (void) { FNNAME (INSN_NAME) (); return 0; }