This directory contains executable tests for ARM/AArch64 Advanced SIMD (Neon) intrinsics. It is meant to cover execution cases of all the Advanced SIMD intrinsics, but does not scan the generated assembler code. The general framework is composed as follows: - advsimd-intrinsics.exp: main dejagnu driver - *.c: actual tests, generally one per intrinsinc family - arm-neon-ref.h: contains macro definitions to save typing in actual test files - compute-ref-data.h: contains input vectors definitions - *.inc: generic tests, shared by several families of intrinsics. For instance, unary or binary operators A typical .c test file starts with the following contents (look at vld1.c and vaba.c for sample cases): #include #include "arm-neon-ref.h" #include "compute-ref-data.h" Then, definitions of expected results, based on common input values, as defined in compute-ref-data.h. For example: VECT_VAR_DECL(expected,int,16,4) [] = { 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19 }; defines the expected results of an operator generating int16x4 values. The common input values defined in compute-ref-data.h have been chosen to avoid corner-case values for most operators, yet exposing negative values for signed operators. For this reason, their range is also limited. For instance, the initialization of buffer_int16x4 will be { -16, -15, -14, -13 }. The initialization of floating-point values is done via hex notation, to avoid potential rounding problems. To test special values and corner cases, specific initialization values should be used in dedicated tests, to ensure proper coverage. An example of this is vshl. When a variant of an intrinsic is not available, its expected result should be defined to the value of CLEAN_PATTERN_8 as defined in arm-neon-ref.h. For example: VECT_VAR_DECL(expected,int,64,1) [] = { 0x3333333333333333 }; if the given intrinsic has no variant producing an int64x1 result, like the vcmp family (eg. vclt). This is because the helper function (check_results(), defined in arm-neon-ref.h), iterates over all the possible variants, to save typing in each individual test file. Alternatively, one can directly call the CHECK/CHECK_FP macros to check only a few expected results (see vabs.c for an example). Then, define the TEST_MSG string, which will be used when reporting errors. Next, define the function performing the actual tests, in general relying on the helpers provided by arm-neon-ref.h, which means: * declare necessary vectors of suitable types: using DECL_VARIABLE_ALL_VARIANTS when all variants are supported, or the relevant of subset calls to DECL_VARIABLE. * call clean_results() to initialize the 'results' buffers. * initialize the input vectors, using VLOAD, VDUP or VSET_LANE (vld* tests do not need this step, since their actual purpose is to initialize vectors). * execute the intrinsic on relevant variants, for instance using TEST_MACRO_ALL_VARIANTS_2_5. * call check_results() to check that the results match the expected values. A template test file could be: ================================================================= #include #include "arm-neon-ref.h" #include "compute-ref-data.h" /* Expected results. */ VECT_VAR_DECL(expected,int,8,8) [] = { 0xf6, 0xf7, 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd }; /* and as many others as necessary. */ #define TEST_MSG "VMYINTRINSIC" void exec_myintrinsic (void) { /* my test: v4=vmyintrinsic(v1,v2,v3), then store the result. */ #define TEST_VMYINTR(Q, T1, T2, W, N) \ VECT_VAR(vector_res, T1, W, N) = \ vmyintr##Q##_##T2##W(VECT_VAR(vector1, T1, W, N), \ VECT_VAR(vector2, T1, W, N), \ VECT_VAR(vector3, T1, W, N)); \ vst1##Q##_##T2##W(VECT_VAR(result, T1, W, N), VECT_VAR(vector_res, T1, W, N)) #define DECL_VMYINTR_VAR(VAR) \ DECL_VARIABLE(VAR, int, 8, 8); /* And as many others as necessary. */ DECL_VMYINTR_VAR(vector1); DECL_VMYINTR_VAR(vector2); DECL_VMYINTR_VAR(vector3); DECL_VMYINTR_VAR(vector_res); clean_results (); /* Initialize input "vector1" from "buffer". */ VLOAD(vector1, buffer, , int, s, 8, 8); /* And as many others as necessary. */ /* Choose init value arbitrarily. */ VDUP(vector2, , int, s, 8, 8, 1); /* And as many others as necessary. */ /* Choose init value arbitrarily. */ VDUP(vector3, , int, s, 8, 8, -5); /* And as many others as necessary. */ /* Execute the tests. */ TEST_VMYINTR(, int, s, 8, 8); /* And as many others as necessary. */ check_results (TEST_MSG, ""); } int main (void) { exec_vmyintrinsic (); return 0; } =================================================================