-- C460011.A -- -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687 and -- F08630-91-C-0015, the U.S. Government obtained unlimited rights in the -- software and documentation contained herein. Unlimited rights are -- defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making this public release, -- the Government intends to confer upon all recipients unlimited rights -- equal to those held by the Government. These rights include rights to -- use, duplicate, release or disclose the released technical data and -- computer software in whole or in part, in any manner and for any purpose -- whatsoever, and to have or permit others to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- OBJECTIVE: -- Check that conversion of a decimal type to a modular type raises -- Constraint_Error when the operand value is outside the base range -- of the modular type. -- Check that a conversion of a decimal type to an integer type -- rounds correctly. -- -- TEST DESCRIPTION: -- Test conversion from decimal types to modular types. Test -- conversion to mod 255, mod 256 and mod 258 to test the boundaries -- of 8 bit (+/-) unsigned numbers. -- Test operand values that are negative, the value of the mod, -- and greater than the value of the mod. -- Declare a generic test procedure and instantiate it for each of the -- unsigned types for each operand type. -- Check that the operand is properly rounded during the conversion. -- -- APPLICABILITY CRITERIA: -- This test is applicable to all implementations which support -- decimal types. -- -- CHANGE HISTORY: -- 24 NOV 98 RLB Split decimal cases from C460008 into this -- test, added conversions to integer types. -- 18 JAN 99 RLB Repaired errors in test. -- --! ------------------------------------------------------------------- C460011 with Report; procedure C460011 is Shy_By_One : constant := 2**8-1; Heavy_By_Two : constant := 2**8+2; type Unsigned_Edge_8 is mod Shy_By_One; type Unsigned_8_Bit is mod 2**8; type Unsigned_Over_8 is mod Heavy_By_Two; type Signed_8_Bit is range -128 .. 127; type Signed_Over_8 is range -200 .. 200; NPC : constant String := " not properly converted"; procedure Assert( Truth: Boolean; Message: String ) is begin if not Truth then Report.Failed(Message); end if; end Assert; -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- type Decim is delta 0.1 digits 5; -- N/A => ERROR. generic type Source is delta <> digits <>; type Target is mod <>; procedure Decimal_Conversion_Check( For_The_Value : Source; Message : String ); procedure Decimal_Conversion_Check( For_The_Value : Source; Message : String ) is Item : Target; begin Item := Target( For_The_Value ); Report.Failed("Deci expected Constraint_Error " & Message); Report.Comment("Value of" & Target'Image(Item) & NPC); exception when Constraint_Error => null; -- expected case when others => Report.Failed("Deci raised wrong exception " & Message); end Decimal_Conversion_Check; procedure Decim_To_Short is new Decimal_Conversion_Check( Decim, Unsigned_Edge_8 ); procedure Decim_To_Eight is new Decimal_Conversion_Check( Decim, Unsigned_8_Bit ); procedure Decim_To_Wide is new Decimal_Conversion_Check( Decim, Unsigned_Over_8 ); function Identity( Launder: Decim ) return Decim is Flat_Broke : constant Decim := 0.0; begin if Report.Ident_Bool( Launder = Flat_Broke ) then return Flat_Broke; else return Launder; end if; end Identity; -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- begin -- Main test procedure. Report.Test ("C460011", "Check that conversion to " & "a modular type raises Constraint_Error when " & "the operand value is outside the base range " & "of the modular type" ); -- Decimal Error cases Decim_To_Short( Identity( -5.00 ), "M2S Dynamic, Negative" ); Decim_To_Short( Shy_By_One * 1.0, "M2S Static, At_Mod" ); Decim_To_Short( 1995.9, "M2S Static, Over_Mod" ); Decim_To_Eight( -0.5, "M28 Static, Negative" ); Decim_To_Eight( 2.0*128, "M28 Static, At_Mod" ); Decim_To_Eight( Identity( 2001.2 ), "M28 Dynamic, Over_Mod" ); Decim_To_Wide ( Decim'First, "M2W Static, Negative" ); Decim_To_Wide ( Identity( 2*128.0 +2.0 ), "M2W Dynamic, At_Mod" ); Decim_To_Wide ( Decim'Last, "M2W Static, Over_Mod" ); -- Check a few, correct, edge cases, for modular types. Eye_Dew: declare Sense : Decim := 0.00; Little : Unsigned_Edge_8; Moderate : Unsigned_8_Bit; Big : Unsigned_Over_8; begin Moderate := Unsigned_8_Bit (Sense); Assert( Moderate = 0, "Sense => Moderate, 0"); Sense := 2*128.0; Big := Unsigned_Over_8 (Sense); Assert( Big = 256, "Sense => Big, 256"); end Eye_Dew; Rounding: declare Easy : Decim := Identity ( 2.0); Simple : Decim := Identity ( 2.1); Halfway : Decim := Identity ( 2.5); Upward : Decim := Identity ( 2.8); Chop : Decim := Identity (-2.2); Neg_Half : Decim := Identity (-2.5); Downward : Decim := Identity (-2.7); Little : Unsigned_Edge_8; Moderate : Unsigned_8_Bit; Big : Unsigned_Over_8; Also_Little:Signed_8_Bit; Also_Big : Signed_Over_8; begin Little := Unsigned_Edge_8 (Easy); Assert( Little = 2, "Easy => Little, 2"); Moderate := Unsigned_8_Bit (Simple); Assert( Moderate = 2, "Simple => Moderate, 2"); Big := Unsigned_Over_8 (Halfway); -- Rounds up by 4.6(33). Assert( Big = 3, "Halfway => Big, 3"); Little := Unsigned_Edge_8 (Upward); Assert( Little = 3, "Upward => Little, 3"); Also_Big := Signed_Over_8 (Halfway); -- Rounds up by 4.6(33). Assert( Also_Big = 3, "Halfway => Also_Big, 3"); Also_Little := Signed_8_Bit (Chop); Assert( Also_Little = -2, "Chop => Also_Little, -2"); Also_Big := Signed_Over_8 (Neg_Half); -- Rounds down by 4.6(33). Assert( Also_Big = -3, "Halfway => Also_Big, -3"); Also_Little := Signed_8_Bit (Downward); Assert( Also_Little = -3, "Downward => Also_Little, -3"); end Rounding; Report.Result; end C460011;