-- --
-- --
-- S I N P U T --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2019, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- . --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- This package contains the input routines used for reading the
-- input source file. The actual I/O routines are in OS_Interface,
-- with this module containing only the system independent processing.
-- General Note: throughout the compiler, we use the term line or source
-- line to refer to a physical line in the source, terminated by the end of
-- physical line sequence.
-- There are two distinct concepts of line terminator in GNAT
-- A logical line terminator is what corresponds to the "end of a line" as
-- described in RM 2.2 (13). Any of the characters FF, LF, CR or VT or any
-- wide character that is a Line or Paragraph Separator acts as an end of
-- logical line in this sense, and it is essentially irrelevant whether one
-- or more appears in sequence (since if a sequence of such characters is
-- regarded as separate ends of line, then the intervening logical lines
-- are null in any case).
-- A physical line terminator is a sequence of format effectors that is
-- treated as ending a physical line. Physical lines have no Ada semantic
-- significance, but they are significant for error reporting purposes,
-- since errors are identified by line and column location.
-- In GNAT, a physical line is ended by any of the sequences LF, CR/LF, or
-- CR. LF is used in typical Unix systems, CR/LF in DOS systems, and CR
-- alone in System 7. In addition, we recognize any of these sequences in
-- any of the operating systems, for better behavior in treating foreign
-- files (e.g. a Unix file with LF terminators transferred to a DOS system).
-- Finally, wide character codes in categories Separator, Line and Separator,
-- Paragraph are considered to be physical line terminators.
with Alloc;
with Casing; use Casing;
with Namet; use Namet;
with System;
with Table;
with Types; use Types;
package Sinput is
type Type_Of_File is (
-- Indicates type of file being read
-- Normal Ada source file
-- Configuration pragma file
-- Preprocessing definition file
-- Source file with preprocessing commands to be preprocessed
type Instance_Id is new Nat;
No_Instance_Id : constant Instance_Id;
-- Source License Control --
-- The following type indicates the license state of a source if it
-- is known.
type License_Type is
-- Licensing status of this source unit is unknown
-- This is a non-GPL'ed unit that is restricted from depending
-- on GPL'ed units (e.g. proprietary code is in this category)
-- This file is licensed under the unmodified GPL. It is not allowed
-- to depend on Non_GPL units, and Non_GPL units may not depend on
-- this source unit.
-- This file is licensed under the GNAT modified GPL (see header of
-- This file for wording of the modification). It may depend on other
-- Modified_GPL units or on unrestricted units.
-- The license on this file is permitted to depend on any other
-- units, or have other units depend on it, without violating the
-- license of this unit. Examples are public domain units, and
-- units defined in the RM).
-- The above license status is checked when the appropriate check is
-- activated and one source depends on another, and the licensing state
-- of both files is known:
-- The prohibited combinations are:
-- Restricted file may not depend on GPL file
-- GPL file may not depend on Restricted file
-- Modified GPL file may not depend on Restricted file
-- Modified_GPL file may not depend on GPL file
-- The reason for the last restriction here is that a client depending
-- on a modified GPL file must be sure that the license condition is
-- correct considered transitively.
-- The licensing status is determined either by the presence of a
-- specific pragma License, or by scanning the header for a predefined
-- statement, or any file if compiling in -gnatg mode.
-- Source File Table --
-- The source file table has an entry for each source file read in for
-- this run of the compiler. This table is (default) initialized when
-- the compiler is loaded, and simply accumulates entries as compilation
-- proceeds and various routines in Sinput and its child packages are
-- called to load required source files.
-- Virtual entries are also created for generic templates when they are
-- instantiated, as described in a separate section later on.
-- In the case where there are multiple main units (e.g. in the case of
-- the cross-reference tool), this table is not reset between these units,
-- so that a given source file is only read once if it is used by two
-- separate main units.
-- The entries in the table are accessed using a Source_File_Index that
-- ranges from 1 to Last_Source_File. Each entry has the following fields.
-- Note: fields marked read-only are set by Sinput or one of its child
-- packages when a source file table entry is created, and cannot be
-- subsequently modified, or alternatively are set only by very special
-- circumstances, documented in the comments.
-- File_Name : File_Name_Type (read-only)
-- Name of the source file (simple name with no directory information)
-- Full_File_Name : File_Name_Type (read-only)
-- Full file name (full name with directory info), used for generation
-- of error messages, etc.
-- File_Type : Type_Of_File (read-only)
-- Indicates type of file (source file, configuration pragmas file,
-- preprocessor definition file, preprocessor input file).
-- Reference_Name : File_Name_Type (read-only)
-- Name to be used for source file references in error messages where
-- only the simple name of the file is required. Identical to File_Name
-- unless pragma Source_Reference is used to change it. Only processing
-- for the Source_Reference pragma circuit may set this field.
-- Full_Ref_Name : File_Name_Type (read-only)
-- Name to be used for source file references in error messages where
-- the full name of the file is required. Identical to Full_File_Name
-- unless pragma Source_Reference is used to change it. Only processing
-- for the Source_Reference pragma may set this field.
-- Debug_Source_Name : File_Name_Type (read-only)
-- Name to be used for source file references in debugging information
-- where only the simple name of the file is required. Identical to
-- Reference_Name unless the -gnatD (debug source file) switch is used.
-- Only processing in Sprint that generates this file is permitted to
-- set this field.
-- Full_Debug_Name : File_Name_Type (read-only)
-- Name to be used for source file references in debugging information
-- where the full name of the file is required. This is identical to
-- Full_Ref_Name unless the -gnatD (debug source file) switch is used.
-- Only processing in Sprint that generates this file is permitted to
-- set this field.
-- Instance : Instance_Id (read-only)
-- For entries corresponding to a generic instantiation, unique
-- identifier denoting the full chain of nested instantiations. Set to
-- No_Instance_Id for the case of a normal, non-instantiation entry.
-- See below for details on the handling of generic instantiations.
-- License : License_Type;
-- License status of source file
-- Num_SRef_Pragmas : Nat;
-- Number of source reference pragmas present in source file
-- First_Mapped_Line : Logical_Line_Number;
-- This field stores logical line number of the first line in the
-- file that is not a Source_Reference pragma. If no source reference
-- pragmas are used, then the value is set to No_Line_Number.
-- Source_Text : Source_Buffer_Ptr (read-only)
-- Text of source file. Every source file has a distinct set of
-- nonoverlapping bounds, so it is possible to determine which
-- file is referenced from a given subscript (Source_Ptr) value.
-- Source_First : Source_Ptr; (read-only)
-- This is always equal to Source_Text'First, except during
-- construction of a debug output file (*.dg), when Source_Text = null,
-- and Source_First is the size so far. Likewise for Last.
-- Source_Last : Source_Ptr; (read-only)
-- Same idea as Source_Last, but for Last
-- Time_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type; (read-only)
-- Time stamp of the source file
-- Source_Checksum : Word;
-- Computed checksum for contents of source file. See separate section
-- later on in this spec for a description of the checksum algorithm.
-- Last_Source_Line : Physical_Line_Number;
-- Physical line number of last source line. While a file is being
-- read, this refers to the last line scanned. Once a file has been
-- completely scanned, it is the number of the last line in the file,
-- and hence also gives the number of source lines in the file.
-- Keyword_Casing : Casing_Type;
-- Casing style used in file for keyword casing. This is initialized
-- to Unknown, and then set from the first occurrence of a keyword.
-- This value is used only for formatting of error messages.
-- Identifier_Casing : Casing_Type;
-- Casing style used in file for identifier casing. This is initialized
-- to Unknown, and then set from an identifier in the program as soon as
-- one is found whose casing is sufficiently clear to make a decision.
-- This value is used for formatting of error messages, and also is used
-- in the detection of keywords misused as identifiers.
-- Inlined_Call : Source_Ptr;
-- Source file location of the subprogram call if this source file entry
-- represents an inlined body or an inherited pragma. Set to No_Location
-- otherwise. This field is read-only for clients.
-- Inlined_Body : Boolean;
-- This can only be set True if Instantiation has a value other than
-- No_Location. If true it indicates that the instantiation is actually
-- an instance of an inlined body.
-- Inherited_Pragma : Boolean;
-- This can only be set True if Instantiation has a value other than
-- No_Location. If true it indicates that the instantiation is actually
-- an inherited class-wide pre- or postcondition.
-- Template : Source_File_Index; (read-only)
-- Source file index of the source file containing the template if this
-- is a generic instantiation. Set to No_Source_File for the normal case
-- of a non-instantiation entry. See Sinput-L for details.
-- Unit : Unit_Number_Type;
-- Identifies the unit contained in this source file. Set by
-- Initialize_Scanner, must not be subsequently altered.
-- The source file table is accessed by clients using the following
-- subprogram interface:
subtype SFI is Source_File_Index;
System_Source_File_Index : SFI;
-- The file system.ads is always read by the compiler to determine the
-- settings of the target parameters in the private part of System. This
-- variable records the source file index of system.ads. Typically this
-- will be 1 since system.ads is read first.
function Debug_Source_Name (S : SFI) return File_Name_Type;
function File_Name (S : SFI) return File_Name_Type;
function File_Type (S : SFI) return Type_Of_File;
function First_Mapped_Line (S : SFI) return Logical_Line_Number;
function Full_Debug_Name (S : SFI) return File_Name_Type;
function Full_File_Name (S : SFI) return File_Name_Type;
function Full_Ref_Name (S : SFI) return File_Name_Type;
function Identifier_Casing (S : SFI) return Casing_Type;
function Inlined_Body (S : SFI) return Boolean;
function Inherited_Pragma (S : SFI) return Boolean;
function Inlined_Call (S : SFI) return Source_Ptr;
function Instance (S : SFI) return Instance_Id;
function Keyword_Casing (S : SFI) return Casing_Type;
function Last_Source_Line (S : SFI) return Physical_Line_Number;
function License (S : SFI) return License_Type;
function Num_SRef_Pragmas (S : SFI) return Nat;
function Reference_Name (S : SFI) return File_Name_Type;
function Source_Checksum (S : SFI) return Word;
function Source_First (S : SFI) return Source_Ptr;
function Source_Last (S : SFI) return Source_Ptr;
function Source_Text (S : SFI) return Source_Buffer_Ptr;
function Template (S : SFI) return Source_File_Index;
function Unit (S : SFI) return Unit_Number_Type;
function Time_Stamp (S : SFI) return Time_Stamp_Type;
procedure Set_Keyword_Casing (S : SFI; C : Casing_Type);
procedure Set_Identifier_Casing (S : SFI; C : Casing_Type);
procedure Set_License (S : SFI; L : License_Type);
procedure Set_Unit (S : SFI; U : Unit_Number_Type);
function Last_Source_File return Source_File_Index;
-- Index of last source file table entry
function Num_Source_Files return Nat;
-- Number of source file table entries
procedure Initialize;
-- Initialize internal tables
procedure Lock;
-- Lock internal tables
procedure Unlock;
-- Unlock internal tables
Main_Source_File : Source_File_Index := No_Source_File;
-- This is set to the source file index of the main unit
-- Checksum Handling --
-- As a source file is scanned, a checksum is computed by taking all the
-- non-blank characters in the file, excluding comment characters, the
-- minus-minus sequence starting a comment, and all control characters
-- except ESC.
-- The checksum algorithm used is the standard CRC-32 algorithm, as
-- implemented by System.CRC32, except that we do not bother with the
-- final XOR with all 1 bits.
-- This algorithm ensures that the checksum includes all semantically
-- significant aspects of the program represented by the source file,
-- but is insensitive to layout, presence or contents of comments, wide
-- character representation method, or casing conventions outside strings.
-- Scans.Checksum is initialized appropriately at the start of scanning
-- a file, and copied into the Source_Checksum field of the file table
-- entry when the end of file is encountered.
-- Handling Generic Instantiations --
-- As described in Sem_Ch12, a generic instantiation involves making a
-- copy of the tree of the generic template. The source locations in
-- this tree directly reference the source of the template. However, it
-- is also possible to find the location of the instantiation.
-- This is achieved as follows. When an instantiation occurs, a new entry
-- is made in the source file table. The Source_Text of the instantiation
-- points to the same Source_Buffer as the Source_Text of the template, but
-- with different bounds. The separate range of Sloc values avoids
-- confusion, and means that the Sloc values can still be used to uniquely
-- identify the source file table entry. See Set_Dope below for the
-- low-level trickery that allows two different pointers to point at the
-- same array, but with different bounds.
-- The Instantiation_Id field of this source file index entry, set
-- to No_Instance_Id for normal entries, instead contains a value that
-- uniquely identifies a particular instantiation, and the associated
-- entry in the Instances table. The source location of the instantiation
-- can be retrieved using function Instantiation below. In the case of
-- nested instantiations, the Instances table can be used to trace the
-- complete chain of nested instantiations.
-- Two routines are used to build the special instance entries in the
-- source file table. Create_Instantiation_Source is first called to build
-- the virtual source table entry for the instantiation, and then the
-- Sloc values in the copy are adjusted using Adjust_Instantiation_Sloc.
-- See child unit Sinput.L for details on these two routines.
with procedure Process (Id : Instance_Id; Inst_Sloc : Source_Ptr);
procedure Iterate_On_Instances;
-- Execute Process for each entry in the instance table
function Instantiation (S : SFI) return Source_Ptr;
-- For a source file entry that represents an inlined body, source location
-- of the inlined call. For a source file entry that represents an
-- inherited pragma, source location of the declaration to which the
-- overriding subprogram for the inherited pragma is attached. Otherwise,
-- for a source file entry that represents a generic instantiation, source
-- location of the instantiation. Returns No_Location in all other cases.
-- Global Data --
Current_Source_File : Source_File_Index := No_Source_File;
-- Source_File table index of source file currently being scanned.
-- Initialized so that some tools (such as gprbuild) can be built with
-- -gnatVa and pragma Initialize_Scalars without problems.
Current_Source_Unit : Unit_Number_Type;
-- Unit number of source file currently being scanned. The special value
-- of No_Unit indicates that the configuration pragma file is currently
-- being scanned (this has no entry in the unit table).
Source_gnat_adc : Source_File_Index := No_Source_File;
-- This is set if a gnat.adc file is present to reference this file
Source : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
-- Current source (copy of Source_File.Table (Current_Source_Unit).Source)
-- Handling of Source Line Terminators --
-- In this section we discuss in detail the issue of terminators used to
-- terminate source lines. The RM says that one or more format effectors
-- (other than horizontal tab) end a source line, and defines the set of
-- such format effectors, but does not talk about exactly how they are
-- represented in the source program (since in general the RM is not in
-- the business of specifying source program formats).
-- The type Types.Line_Terminator is defined as a subtype of Character
-- that includes CR/LF/VT/FF. The most common line enders in practice
-- are CR (some MAC systems), LF (Unix systems), and CR/LF (DOS/Windows
-- systems). Any of these sequences is recognized as ending a physical
-- source line, and if multiple such terminators appear (e.g. LF/LF),
-- then we consider we have an extra blank line.
-- VT and FF are recognized as terminating source lines, but they are
-- considered to end a logical line instead of a physical line, so that
-- the line numbering ignores such terminators. The use of VT and FF is
-- mandated by the standard, and correctly handled in a conforming manner
-- by GNAT, but their use is not recommended.
-- In addition to the set of characters defined by the type in Types, in
-- wide character encoding, then the codes returning True for a call to
-- System.UTF_32.Is_UTF_32_Line_Terminator are also recognized as ending a
-- source line. This includes the standard codes defined above in addition
-- the case of VT and FF, the standard requires we recognize these as line
-- terminators, but we consider them to be logical line terminators. The
-- only physical line terminators recognized are the standard ones (CR,
-- LF, or CR/LF).
-- However, we do not recognize the NEL (16#85#) character as having the
-- significance of an end of line character when operating in normal 8-bit
-- Latin-n input mode for the compiler. Instead the rule in this mode is
-- that all upper half control codes (16#80# .. 16#9F#) are illegal if they
-- occur in program text, and are ignored if they appear in comments.
-- First, note that this behavior is fully conforming with the standard.
-- The standard has nothing whatever to say about source representation
-- and implementations are completely free to make there own rules. In
-- this case, in 8-bit mode, GNAT decides that the 16#0085# character is
-- not a representation of the NEL character, even though it looks like it.
-- If you have NEL's in your program, which you expect to be treated as
-- end of line characters, you must use a wide character encoding such as
-- UTF-8 for this code to be recognized.
-- Second, an explanation of why we take this slightly surprising choice.
-- We have never encountered anyone actually using the NEL character to
-- end lines. One user raised the issue as a result of some experiments,
-- but no one has ever submitted a program encoded this way, in any of
-- the possible encodings. It seems that even when using wide character
-- codes extensively, the normal approach is to use standard line enders
-- (LF or CR/LF). So the failure to recognize NEL in this mode seems to
-- have no practical downside.
-- Moreover, what we have seen in a significant number of programs from
-- multiple sources is the practice of writing all program text in lower
-- half (ASCII) form, but using UTF-8 encoded wide characters freely in
-- comments, where the comments are terminated by normal line endings
-- (LF or CR/LF). The comments do not contain NEL codes, but they can and
-- do contain other UTF-8 encoding sequences where one of the bytes is the
-- NEL code. Now such programs can of course be compiled in UTF-8 mode,
-- but in practice they also compile fine in standard 8-bit mode without
-- specifying a character encoding. Since this is common practice, it would
-- be a significant upwards incompatibility to recognize NEL in 8-bit mode.
-- Subprograms --
procedure Backup_Line (P : in out Source_Ptr);
-- Back up the argument pointer to the start of the previous line. On
-- entry, P points to the start of a physical line in the source buffer.
-- On return, P is updated to point to the start of the previous line.
-- The caller has checked that a Line_Terminator character precedes P so
-- that there definitely is a previous line in the source buffer.
procedure Build_Location_String
(Buf : in out Bounded_String;
Loc : Source_Ptr);
-- This function builds a string literal of the form "name:line", where
-- name is the file name corresponding to Loc, and line is the line number.
-- If instantiations are involved, additional suffixes of the same form are
-- appended after the separating string " instantiated at ". The returned
-- string is appended to Buf.
function Build_Location_String (Loc : Source_Ptr) return String;
-- Functional form returning a String
procedure Check_For_BOM;
-- Check if the current source starts with a BOM. Scan_Ptr needs to be at
-- the start of the current source. If the current source starts with a
-- recognized BOM, then some flags such as Wide_Character_Encoding_Method
-- are set accordingly, and the Scan_Ptr on return points past this BOM.
-- An error message is output and Unrecoverable_Error raised if an
-- unrecognized BOM is detected. The call has no effect if no BOM is found.
function Get_Column_Number (P : Source_Ptr) return Column_Number;
-- The ones-origin column number of the specified Source_Ptr value is
-- determined and returned. Tab characters if present are assumed to
-- represent the standard 1,9,17.. spacing pattern.
function Get_Logical_Line_Number
(P : Source_Ptr) return Logical_Line_Number;
-- The line number of the specified source position is obtained by
-- doing a binary search on the source positions in the lines table
-- for the unit containing the given source position. The returned
-- value is the logical line number, already adjusted for the effect
-- of source reference pragmas. If P refers to the line of a source
-- reference pragma itself, then No_Line is returned. If no source
-- reference pragmas have been encountered, the value returned is
-- the same as the physical line number.
function Get_Logical_Line_Number_Img
(P : Source_Ptr) return String;
-- Same as above function, but returns the line number as a string of
-- decimal digits, with no leading space. Destroys Name_Buffer.
function Get_Physical_Line_Number
(P : Source_Ptr) return Physical_Line_Number;
-- The line number of the specified source position is obtained by
-- doing a binary search on the source positions in the lines table
-- for the unit containing the given source position. The returned
-- value is the physical line number in the source being compiled.
function Get_Source_File_Index (S : Source_Ptr) return Source_File_Index;
pragma Inline (Get_Source_File_Index);
-- Return file table index of file identified by given source pointer
-- value. This call must always succeed, since any valid source pointer
-- value belongs to some previously loaded source file.
function Instantiation_Depth (S : Source_Ptr) return Nat;
-- Determine instantiation depth for given Sloc value. A value of
-- zero means that the given Sloc is not in an instantiation.
function Line_Start (P : Source_Ptr) return Source_Ptr;
-- Finds the source position of the start of the line containing the
-- given source location.
function Line_Start
(L : Physical_Line_Number;
S : Source_File_Index) return Source_Ptr;
-- Finds the source position of the start of the given line in the
-- given source file, using a physical line number to identify the line.
function Num_Source_Lines (S : Source_File_Index) return Nat;
-- Returns the number of source lines (this is equivalent to reading
-- the value of Last_Source_Line, but returns Nat rather than a
-- physical line number).
procedure Register_Source_Ref_Pragma
(File_Name : File_Name_Type;
Stripped_File_Name : File_Name_Type;
Mapped_Line : Nat;
Line_After_Pragma : Physical_Line_Number);
-- Register a source reference pragma, the parameter File_Name is the
-- file name from the pragma, and Stripped_File_Name is this name with
-- the directory information stripped. Both these parameters are set
-- to No_Name if no file name parameter was given in the pragma.
-- (which can only happen for the second and subsequent pragmas).
-- Mapped_Line is the line number parameter from the pragma, and
-- Line_After_Pragma is the physical line number of the line that
-- follows the line containing the Source_Reference pragma.
function Original_Location (S : Source_Ptr) return Source_Ptr;
-- Given a source pointer S, returns the corresponding source pointer
-- value ignoring instantiation copies. For locations that do not
-- correspond to instantiation copies of templates, the argument is
-- returned unchanged. For locations that do correspond to copies of
-- templates from instantiations, the location within the original
-- template is returned. This is useful in canonicalizing locations.
function Instantiation_Location (S : Source_Ptr) return Source_Ptr;
pragma Inline (Instantiation_Location);
-- Given a source pointer S, returns the corresponding source pointer
-- value of the instantiation if this location is within an instance.
-- If S is not within an instance, then this returns No_Location.
function Comes_From_Inlined_Body (S : Source_Ptr) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Comes_From_Inlined_Body);
-- Given a source pointer S, returns whether it comes from an inlined body.
-- This allows distinguishing these source pointers from those that come
-- from instantiation of generics, since Instantiation_Location returns a
-- valid location in both cases.
function Comes_From_Inherited_Pragma (S : Source_Ptr) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Comes_From_Inherited_Pragma);
-- Given a source pointer S, returns whether it comes from an inherited
-- pragma. This allows distinguishing these source pointers from those
-- that come from instantiation of generics, since Instantiation_Location
-- returns a valid location in both cases.
function Top_Level_Location (S : Source_Ptr) return Source_Ptr;
-- Given a source pointer S, returns the argument unchanged if it is
-- not in an instantiation. If S is in an instantiation, then it returns
-- the location of the top level instantiation, i.e. the outer level
-- instantiation in the nested case.
function Physical_To_Logical
(Line : Physical_Line_Number;
S : Source_File_Index) return Logical_Line_Number;
-- Given a physical line number in source file whose source index is S,
-- return the corresponding logical line number. If the physical line
-- number is one containing a Source_Reference pragma, the result will
-- be No_Line_Number.
procedure Skip_Line_Terminators
(P : in out Source_Ptr;
Physical : out Boolean);
-- On entry, P points to a line terminator that has been encountered,
-- which is one of FF,LF,VT,CR or a wide character sequence whose value is
-- in category Separator,Line or Separator,Paragraph. P points just past
-- the character that was scanned. The purpose of this routine is to
-- distinguish physical and logical line endings. A physical line ending
-- is one of:
-- CR on its own (MAC System 7)
-- LF on its own (Unix and unix-like systems)
-- CR/LF (DOS, Windows)
-- Wide character in Separator,Line or Separator,Paragraph category
-- Note: we no longer recognize LF/CR (which we did in some earlier
-- versions of GNAT. The reason for this is that this sequence is not
-- used and recognizing it generated confusion. For example given the
-- sequence LF/CR/LF we were interpreting that as (LF/CR) ending the
-- first line and a blank line ending with CR following, but it is
-- clearly better to interpret this as LF, with a blank line terminated
-- by CR/LF, given that LF and CR/LF are both in common use, but no
-- system we know of uses LF/CR.
-- A logical line ending (that is not a physical line ending) is one of:
-- VT on its own
-- FF on its own
-- On return, P is bumped past the line ending sequence (one of the above
-- seven possibilities). Physical is set to True to indicate that a
-- physical end of line was encountered, in which case this routine also
-- makes sure that the lines table for the current source file has an
-- appropriate entry for the start of the new physical line.
procedure Sloc_Range (N : Node_Id; Min, Max : out Source_Ptr);
-- Given a node, returns the minimum and maximum source locations of any
-- node in the syntactic subtree for the node. This is not quite the same
-- as the locations of the first and last token in the node construct
-- because parentheses at the outer level do not have a recorded Sloc.
-- Note: At each step of the tree traversal, we make sure to go back to
-- the Original_Node, since this function is concerned about original
-- (source) locations.
-- Note: if the tree for the expression contains no "real" Sloc values,
-- i.e. values > No_Location, then both Min and Max are set to
-- Sloc (Original_Node (N)).
function Source_Offset (S : Source_Ptr) return Nat;
-- Returns the zero-origin offset of the given source location from the
-- start of its corresponding unit. This is used for creating canonical
-- names in some situations.
procedure Write_Location (P : Source_Ptr);
-- Writes out a string of the form fff:nn:cc, where fff, nn, cc are the
-- file name, line number and column corresponding to the given source
-- location. No_Location and Standard_Location appear as the strings
-- and . If the location is within an
-- instantiation, then the instance location is appended, enclosed in
-- square brackets (which can nest if necessary). Note that this routine
-- is used only for internal compiler debugging output purposes (which
-- is why the somewhat cryptic use of brackets is acceptable).
procedure wl (P : Source_Ptr);
pragma Export (Ada, wl);
-- Equivalent to Write_Location (P); Write_Eol; for calls from GDB
procedure Write_Time_Stamp (S : Source_File_Index);
-- Writes time stamp of specified file in YY-MM-DD HH:MM.SS format
procedure Tree_Read;
-- Initializes internal tables from current tree file using the relevant
-- Table.Tree_Read routines.
procedure Tree_Write;
-- Writes out internal tables to current tree file using the relevant
-- Table.Tree_Write routines.
procedure Clear_Source_File_Table;
-- This procedure frees memory allocated in the Source_File table (in the
-- private). It should only be used when it is guaranteed that all source
-- files that have been loaded so far will not be accessed before being
-- reloaded. It is intended for tools that parse several times sources,
-- to avoid memory leaks.
pragma Inline (File_Name);
pragma Inline (Full_File_Name);
pragma Inline (File_Type);
pragma Inline (Reference_Name);
pragma Inline (Full_Ref_Name);
pragma Inline (Debug_Source_Name);
pragma Inline (Full_Debug_Name);
pragma Inline (Instance);
pragma Inline (License);
pragma Inline (Num_SRef_Pragmas);
pragma Inline (First_Mapped_Line);
pragma Inline (Source_Text);
pragma Inline (Source_First);
pragma Inline (Source_Last);
pragma Inline (Time_Stamp);
pragma Inline (Source_Checksum);
pragma Inline (Last_Source_Line);
pragma Inline (Keyword_Casing);
pragma Inline (Identifier_Casing);
pragma Inline (Inlined_Call);
pragma Inline (Inlined_Body);
pragma Inline (Inherited_Pragma);
pragma Inline (Template);
pragma Inline (Unit);
pragma Inline (Set_Keyword_Casing);
pragma Inline (Set_Identifier_Casing);
pragma Inline (Last_Source_File);
pragma Inline (Num_Source_Files);
pragma Inline (Num_Source_Lines);
pragma Inline (Line_Start);
No_Instance_Id : constant Instance_Id := 0;
-- Source_Lines Tables --
type Lines_Table_Type is
array (Physical_Line_Number) of Source_Ptr;
-- Type used for lines table. The entries are indexed by physical line
-- numbers. The values are the starting Source_Ptr values for the start
-- of the corresponding physical line. Note that we make this a bogus
-- big array, sized as required, so that we avoid the use of fat pointers.
type Lines_Table_Ptr is access all Lines_Table_Type;
-- Type used for pointers to line tables
type Logical_Lines_Table_Type is
array (Physical_Line_Number) of Logical_Line_Number;
-- Type used for logical lines table. This table is used if a source
-- reference pragma is present. It is indexed by physical line numbers,
-- and contains the corresponding logical line numbers. An entry that
-- corresponds to a source reference pragma is set to No_Line_Number.
-- Note that we make this a bogus big array, sized as required, so that
-- we avoid the use of fat pointers.
type Logical_Lines_Table_Ptr is access all Logical_Lines_Table_Type;
-- Type used for pointers to logical line tables
-- Source_File Table --
-- See earlier descriptions for meanings of public fields
type Source_File_Record is record
File_Name : File_Name_Type;
Reference_Name : File_Name_Type;
Debug_Source_Name : File_Name_Type;
Full_Debug_Name : File_Name_Type;
Full_File_Name : File_Name_Type;
Full_Ref_Name : File_Name_Type;
Instance : Instance_Id;
Num_SRef_Pragmas : Nat;
First_Mapped_Line : Logical_Line_Number;
Source_Text : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
Source_First : Source_Ptr;
Source_Last : Source_Ptr;
Source_Checksum : Word;
Last_Source_Line : Physical_Line_Number;
Template : Source_File_Index;
Unit : Unit_Number_Type;
Time_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
File_Type : Type_Of_File;
Inlined_Call : Source_Ptr;
Inlined_Body : Boolean;
Inherited_Pragma : Boolean;
License : License_Type;
Keyword_Casing : Casing_Type;
Identifier_Casing : Casing_Type;
-- The following fields are for internal use only (i.e. only in the
-- body of Sinput or its children, with no direct access by clients).
Sloc_Adjust : Source_Ptr;
-- A value to be added to Sloc values for this file to reference the
-- corresponding lines table. This is zero for the non-instantiation
-- case, and set so that the addition references the ultimate template
-- for the instantiation case. See Sinput-L for further details.
Lines_Table : Lines_Table_Ptr;
-- Pointer to lines table for this source. Updated as additional
-- lines are accessed using the Skip_Line_Terminators procedure.
-- Note: the lines table for an instantiation entry refers to the
-- original line numbers of the template see Sinput-L for details.
Logical_Lines_Table : Logical_Lines_Table_Ptr;
-- Pointer to logical lines table for this source. Non-null only if
-- a source reference pragma has been processed. Updated as lines
-- are accessed using the Skip_Line_Terminators procedure.
Lines_Table_Max : Physical_Line_Number;
-- Maximum subscript values for currently allocated Lines_Table
-- and (if present) the allocated Logical_Lines_Table. The value
-- Max_Source_Line gives the maximum used value, this gives the
-- maximum allocated value.
Index : Source_File_Index := 123456789; -- for debugging
end record;
-- The following representation clause ensures that the above record
-- has no holes. We do this so that when instances of this record are
-- written by Tree_Gen, we do not write uninitialized values to the file.
AS : constant Pos := Standard'Address_Size;
for Source_File_Record use record
File_Name at 0 range 0 .. 31;
Reference_Name at 4 range 0 .. 31;
Debug_Source_Name at 8 range 0 .. 31;
Full_Debug_Name at 12 range 0 .. 31;
Full_File_Name at 16 range 0 .. 31;
Full_Ref_Name at 20 range 0 .. 31;
Instance at 48 range 0 .. 31;
Num_SRef_Pragmas at 24 range 0 .. 31;
First_Mapped_Line at 28 range 0 .. 31;
Source_First at 32 range 0 .. 31;
Source_Last at 36 range 0 .. 31;
Source_Checksum at 40 range 0 .. 31;
Last_Source_Line at 44 range 0 .. 31;
Template at 52 range 0 .. 31;
Unit at 56 range 0 .. 31;
Time_Stamp at 60 range 0 .. 8 * Time_Stamp_Length - 1;
File_Type at 74 range 0 .. 7;
Inlined_Call at 88 range 0 .. 31;
Inlined_Body at 75 range 0 .. 0;
Inherited_Pragma at 75 range 1 .. 1;
License at 76 range 0 .. 7;
Keyword_Casing at 77 range 0 .. 7;
Identifier_Casing at 78 range 0 .. 15;
Sloc_Adjust at 80 range 0 .. 31;
Lines_Table_Max at 84 range 0 .. 31;
Index at 92 range 0 .. 31;
-- The following fields are pointers, so we have to specialize their
-- lengths using pointer size, obtained above as Standard'Address_Size.
-- Note that Source_Text is a fat pointer, so it has size = AS*2.
Source_Text at 96 range 0 .. AS * 2 - 1;
Lines_Table at 96 range AS * 2 .. AS * 3 - 1;
Logical_Lines_Table at 96 range AS * 3 .. AS * 4 - 1;
end record; -- Source_File_Record
for Source_File_Record'Size use 96 * 8 + AS * 4;
-- This ensures that we did not leave out any fields
package Source_File is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => Source_File_Record,
Table_Index_Type => Source_File_Index,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => Alloc.Source_File_Initial,
Table_Increment => Alloc.Source_File_Increment,
Table_Name => "Source_File");
-- Auxiliary table containing source location of instantiations. Index 0
-- is used for code that does not come from an instance.
package Instances is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => Source_Ptr,
Table_Index_Type => Instance_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => 0,
Table_Initial => Alloc.Source_File_Initial,
Table_Increment => Alloc.Source_File_Increment,
Table_Name => "Instances");
-- Subprograms --
procedure Alloc_Line_Tables
(S : in out Source_File_Record;
New_Max : Nat);
-- Allocate or reallocate the lines table for the given source file so
-- that it can accommodate at least New_Max lines. Also allocates or
-- reallocates logical lines table if source ref pragmas are present.
procedure Add_Line_Tables_Entry
(S : in out Source_File_Record;
P : Source_Ptr);
-- Increment line table size by one (reallocating the lines table if
-- needed) and set the new entry to contain the value P. Also bumps
-- the Source_Line_Count field. If source reference pragmas are
-- present, also increments logical lines table size by one, and
-- sets new entry.
procedure Trim_Lines_Table (S : Source_File_Index);
-- Set lines table size for entry S in the source file table to
-- correspond to the current value of Num_Source_Lines, releasing
-- any unused storage. This is used by Sinput.L and Sinput.D.
procedure Set_Source_File_Index_Table (Xnew : Source_File_Index);
-- Sets entries in the Source_File_Index_Table for the newly created
-- Source_File table entry whose index is Xnew. The Source_First and
-- Source_Last fields of this entry must be set before the call.
-- See package body for details.
type Dope_Rec is record
First, Last : Source_Ptr'Base;
end record;
Dope_Rec_Size : constant := 2 * Source_Ptr'Base'Size;
for Dope_Rec'Size use Dope_Rec_Size;
for Dope_Rec'Alignment use Dope_Rec_Size / 8;
type Dope_Ptr is access all Dope_Rec;
procedure Set_Dope
(Src : System.Address; New_Dope : Dope_Ptr);
-- Src is the address of a variable of type Source_Buffer_Ptr, which is a
-- fat pointer. This sets the dope part of the fat pointer to point to the
-- specified New_Dope. This low-level processing is used to make the
-- Source_Text of an instance point to the same text as the template, but
-- with different bounds.
procedure Free_Dope (Src : System.Address);
-- Calls Unchecked_Deallocation on the dope part of the fat pointer Src
procedure Free_Source_Buffer (Src : in out Source_Buffer_Ptr);
-- Deallocates the source buffer
end Sinput;